I started having instrumental lessons myself from a young age and for many years my own Saturday mornings were spent attending a music centre in Nottinghamshire.
Growing up I played in various orchestras and ensembles and for a long time I taught flute, piano and saxophone. I went on to study music as part of my degree so it really has been a significant part of my life for decades. I consider myself very fortunate having been given these opportunities and being able to encourage my children in this area too.
When we moved to Wirksworth I was keen to become involved in the community and music was a way in which I could do so. My daughters, now aged 18 and 14, both joined Wirksworth Music Centre whilst at Infant School and I became a trustee a short while afterwards. They have gained so much from their experiences as members of wind and string groups, both socially and musically, that I would like to ensure that such opportunities continue for all children for many years to come.