From Training to Intermediate then Senior Wind Band, these sessions offer something for everyone, playing together while learning a variety of musical styles and genres.
Training Wind Band
A relaxed and fun group for beginner brass and wind players to enjoy playing together as a group.
Tutor: Dave Collis
Beginner to Grade 1
Saturdays 10:15am – 11:45am
- Introduction to ensemble playing.
- Developing performing skills.
- Playing a range of musical styles.
- Recent repertoire includes Chariots of Fire, Morning in Moscow, Brass Pop, Pantha Tango.
Intermediate Wind Band
Exploring a wide variety of musical styles as your child progresses, with more complex rhythms, key changes and speeds.
Tutor: Nick Stacey
Saturdays 9.00am – 10.15am
Grades 2 to 5
- Exploring pieces with more complex rhythms and keys and changes in speed.
- Developing playing with sensitivity to other parts.
- Continued attention to performing skills.
- Recent repertoire includes Latin American Connection, Themes from Star Wars, Sound of Music, Wallace & Gromit, Raiders March
Senior Wind Band
Music for our most experienced wind players, playing a wide range of music ranging from classical to show tunes. There are also opportunities to play solos in our concerts.
Tutor: Nick Stacey
Saturdays 10.15am-11.45am
Grade 5 upwards
- Brass, woodwind, drum-kit & percussion.
- A wide range of light and serious music.
- We try to develop the talents of all our members and provide solo opportunities.
- Recent repertoire includes themes from “Phantom of the Opera”, “Chess” and “Pirates of the Caribbean”, a James Bond collection and a variety of folk songs.
Interested in joining?
We are always welcoming new members to our groups. If your child is interested in joining us, please get in touch.