Jenny Acons

Jenny Acons

Jenny Acons founded Wirksworth Music Centre in 1993 and has been an integral part of all its operations ever since. Jenny is the Music Centre Coordinator working closely with the Ensemble Directors and Trustees to keep Music Centre running smoothly and successfully....
Rusty Ahearne

Rusty Ahearne

Music was my passion from early years – learned piano to Grade 6, played several recorders at school (not all at once!) belonged the school choir and carried music in my heart all my life.  Joined Wirksworth’s Raise your Voices Choir in 2010, then the Steering Group...
Gabriel Babenko

Gabriel Babenko

Gabriel is currently the Chair of Wirksworth Music Centre Trustees having been a member of the committee in different roles for over 10 years. He joined the committee in order to support the organisation that his three children have all enjoyed being part of. Gabriel...
Colleen Bisset

Colleen Bisset

I started having instrumental lessons myself from a young age and for many years my own Saturday mornings were spent attending a music centre in Nottinghamshire. Growing up I played in various orchestras and ensembles and for a long time I taught flute, piano and...
Denise Boddy

Denise Boddy

I first heard about Music Centre many years ago when my girls learnt to play the recorder. I saw how children enjoy making music together and for those who progress to other instruments, how much confidence they gain from being part of larger ensembles/windbands. As...